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About Us

Social Change Lab conducts empirical research on disruptive protest and people-powered movements.


Through research reports, workshops, and trainings, we provide actionable insights to help movements and funders be more effective.

Meet the Team

We are a team of passionate researchers dedicated to understanding how change happens and what makes social movements effective.

How We're Funded

We’re grateful to our funding partners for supporting our research, training, and events. Over the past year, our funders have included the craigslist Charitable Fund, Climate Emergency Fund, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Phauna, and Changing Ideas.

If you’d like to support our research and programs, you can donate via Giving What We Can, which offers tax-deductible options for US, UK, and Dutch donors. Cryptocurrency donations are also welcomed. Thank you for your generosity!

Our Research Practices

Our research is guided by a commitment to rigour and openness. To ensure high standards, we:


Report findings transparently, whether they portray protest tactics in a positive or negative light.


Publish pre-registrations of studies to reduce bias and enhance the credibility of results.


Clearly outline our methodologies and analyses, enabling others to replicate and evaluate our work.


Share analysis scripts and datasets to support accountability and encourage collaboration.

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